Moving Forward Sudan's mission is to unify and empower the Sudanese Diaspora in the United States through initiatives aimed to serve and empower the Sudanese-American community, and foster positive relationships with the American community at large.


“If you can't fly then run if you can't run then walk if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

— Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Moving Forward Sudan (MFS) aims to unify and empower the Sudanese Diaspora in the United States through initiatives serving and empowering the Sudanese-American community and fostering positive relationships with the larger community.

Moving Forward Sudan serves as a resource and network hub. MFS plans and coordinates initiatives within our community and facilitates services to develop a more inclusive, vibrant, and united community. Our specific objectives are:

  • Provide youth with mentorship and tutoring programs

  • Establish a repository of available skill sets and services within the community

  • Coordinate and facilitate social service resources for new community members

  • Sponsor, host, or participate in enrichment activities contributing to the education and unification of the community